

Weekly Pet Visit: 3+ mid-day dog walks per week (20-minute visit Monday-Friday, scheduled between 10am-3pm only) for 4 consecutive weeks.

Standard Pet Visit: These visits are customized to whatever your needs are (30-minute visit).

Overnight Pet Visit: A sitter will stay overnight at your home to care for your home and pets, arriving by 9:00 pm and staying through 7:00 am. An overnight stay includes a free 20-minute mid-day visit between 11:00 am – 2:00 pm the following day. You may add other visits as needed throughout the day, at the standard rates.

Holidays: Martin Luther King Day and weekend, Presidents Day and weekend, Easter weekend, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day and weekend, Father’s Day, July 4th (and weekend if 4th is a Monday or Friday), Labor Day and weekend, Columbus Day and weekend, Veterans day and weekend, Thanksgiving (Thursday, Friday, and weekend), Christmas Eve through New Year’s day.



Contact us for a free consultation.